Two Forty Nine

March 16th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit & Copyright: Data – Steve Milne & Barry Wilson, Processing – Steve Milne

Ridges, of emission
Within a remnant, of fate
Becomes faint,
And elusive,
As a timeless free, gate.

Jellyfish >>


Force Carrier

March 2nd, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: – Boucenna, Sofiane M. et al.
Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) no.3, 031702 arXiv:1411.0566 [hep-ph]

Slightly, askew

Signal, a sparticle
That’s stranger –
Than true.

Super partners >>



February 24th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2.
Acknowledgments: Davide De Martin.

Dreams, which are not
Of a brightness, extinguished
Wondering in eternal space
Without a path, or hope, or plan
Blacked, by the sheath of stealth
Coming on the edge of morning, surrendered.

Ophiuchus >>


Hat Tip: Lord Byron’s “Darkness”

Object Nine

February 23rd, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit & Copyright: Guenter Kerschhuber

Reflections, out of history
Are disturbed –
From belief

Releasing, into present
A measured Cepheid –

Cosmic canvas >>


radius R

February 17th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: Yang Bai –

Collisions, of intention
Independently, await
Their moment, of ascension
From a flowing –
Neutron state.

Quark matter >>


Audio Credit: Harry Gregson-Williams


February 16th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit & Copyright: Ignacio Diaz Bobillo

Wing like winds
Wonder, and glide
Whispering, wishes
Through its wonderland –

Wolf Rayet >>



February 10th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: Center for Astrophysics –


Assesing –
Its shade in a wave

Descends –
As a progenitor thought slave

By reflecting
An echo light,

Audio: Harry Gregson-Williams

Galactic SNR >>


Pair Stereo

February 9th, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

Depths of suggestion
Through a fragment false,
Face –
Finds its intention
In true detachment free,

Central uplift >>



February 3rd, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit & Copyright: CHART32 Team, Processing – Johannes Schedler

Distortions of space
And mass masking strides
Reset how they trace
Their molecular –
Spiral tides.

Virgo Twins >>



February 2nd, 2019 § 0 comments § permalink

Credit: April, 2018

On the way up
Is on the way, down
Where the paradox, of present
Is where resolution, drowns.

On the way up
Inversely, un-surrounds
Where the conjecture, of behavior
Is through geometric, sound.

“The hidden harmony is better than the obvious” >>