October 23rd, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/J.Hester (ASU); Optical: NASA/ESA/J.Hester & A.Loll (ASU); Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R.Gehrz (Univ. Minn.)
a hallows brush
detects a touch
of gravity’s weight
immense in fate
seeming carefully
out of focus
to crush.
a hallows rush
denied by touch
is a kinetic of hate
strengthened by weight
searching carefully
for a focus
to trust.
Supernova of 1054 A.D >>>
October 14th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA/JPL/ASU/Cornell/Don Davis
A giant step
And a relished find
Reflects the casual touch
Of reflected time.
A grafted print
With a crafted shine
Is the refracted touch
Of the present mind.
Collaborative Art >>>
October 11th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: Allen Telescope Array/UC Berkeley
of touch
from the here
to the far
search for hidden
in each bit
of each star.
Allen Telescope Array >>>
October 11th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration – Acknowledgment: J. Maíz Apellániz (Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucía, Spain)
Cycles of life
And circles of dust
Concurrently shrouded
By clumps of
Space rust.
Jewel Box >>>
October 10th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA, ESA, M.J. Jee and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University)
transient blues
and jazzy like dreams
surrender their rules
by dreaming their means.
Cluster Cl 0024+17 >>>
October 8th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA/CXC/JPL-Caltech/CfA
A tale to tell
Of a marvelous well
Where wishes are whispered
And starlight’s the spell.
Corona Australis >>>
October 8th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Slight of hand
Slight of light
Exposes the mysteries
Of a forever star night.
Cartwheel Galaxy >>>
October 8th, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Movements of vapor
From back end
To face
Reminds us that
Is designed by
God’s grace.
Runaway >>>
October 1st, 2007 § § permalink

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
varicose veins
of celestial terrains
focuses not on what’s making
a tectonic re-shaking
but a subtle window
into the soul
of the Martian plane.
Afternoon Sunlight >>>