Credit: Brian Wilhite, University of Chicago
Angstroms respectively run
into a sun
an old ending now done
like a loner
with the calmness
of one.
§ One Response to apache spectra
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May 27th, 2007 § 1 comment
Credit: Brian Wilhite, University of Chicago
Angstroms respectively run
into a sun
an old ending now done
like a loner
with the calmness
of one.
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You are currently reading apache spectra at First Light Machine.
I am TRULY loving the references to science-related matters. ^_^
It reminds me of younger days. Specifically, of having taken a course in Cosmology many years ago. *scratches head* Now, I wonder where all the stuff I learned *cough, cough* there went to after all this time… *looks under pebble in the shade of a mushroom in the gutter lining the backyard of my mind*
Haha. I claim no stock knowledge whatsoever, but I reckon the interest I had then, the fascination for grander, grander things… is that which makes me gravitate here to your writings. ^_^
Do keep it up. I’ll read. Cheers.